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Museum of Nature and the Environment
Musterbahn 8
23552  Lübeck

Fax: 0451/1224199
E-Mail: naturmuseum@luebeck.de

Opening Hours

Tue-Fri 9 am – 5 pm
Sat-Sun 10 am – 5 pm

The Museum für Natur und Umwelt - Museum of Nature and Environment - offers fascinating insights into the natural history of Schleswig-Holstein and the rich flora and fauna of the Lübeck area. Unique to Europe are the fossil whales, dating from the Miocene over 10 million years ago and found at nearby Pampau. In a glazed extension to the museum vou can see the 14-metre long skeleton of a sperm whale, which stranded on the Danish island of Römö in December 1997. The new interactive exhibition "Im Reich des Wassermanns" - In Merman´s Realm - presents Lübeck's rivers, Trave and Wakenitz and the nearby Baltic sea in an enthralling way.