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Kupfermühle Industrial Museum
Messinghof 3
24955  Harrislee

Fax: 0461/4079540
E-Mail: info@industriemuseum-kupfermuehle.de

Opening Hours

high season May-Oct.: Wed-Sun 1-5 am
low season Nov-Apr: Sat-Sun 1-5 am
Groups of 8 or more also by appointment

A museum on the history of the copper mill was established in the former gate- and bathhouse of the “Kupfer- und Messingfabrik Crusau” (copper and brass factory Crusau) in 1997. Here the old time-clock of the workers, an extensive collection of candlesticks, kettles, "Flensburger Eimern" (Flensburg buckets), tea pots with warmers, baking tins as well as historical records and pictures of the almost 400-year-history of the copper mill are presented.
The copper mill is one of the oldest industrial monuments in the former Schleswig area. Already around 1600 the water-power of the Krusau, which flows into the Flensburger Förde (Flensburg Firth) at this place, was used to drive a forge. It was founded by Christian IV., King of Denmark and Norway. Since 1633 the copper mill produced sheet copper for the roofs of the Danish royal castles and for the covering of wooden ship hulls. The raw materials were delivered via the nearby Flensburg harbour. In different workshops sheet copper and later also sheet brass were processed to make tubes, poles and large boilers or vats for industrial companies, breweries and distilleries. Household items like candlesticks, cans, kettles and "Flensburger Eimers" (Flensburg buckets) were produced also. These were sold by so called "Kesselträger" (kettle carriers) by land. In the 18th and 19th century 300 people worked in this industrial company, which was the largest in the Danish Empire at that time. The old living quarters of the workers from the early years of the copper mill and the house of the company owner from around 1700 are restored partly. Today they are protected as historic monuments.