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GEOMAR Aquarium
Düsternbrooker Weg 20
24105  Kiel

Fax: 0431/6001631
E-Mail: kontakt@aquarium-kiel.de

Opening Hours

April-Sept. daily 9 am – 7 pm
Oct.-March daily 9 am – 5 pm

The aquarium of Kiel University is a display window of the biospheres in the North and the Baltic Sea down to the deep regions of the Northeastern Atlantic. In more than 30 tanks with a capacity of between 200 and 11.000 litres the most common fish species and invertebrates are shown. A special attraction is the circular basin populated by a shoal of herring.
Some tropical basins with fishes and crabs of the coral seas present a colourful contrast to the fauna of the cold seas. Finally, freshwater basins with characteristic fish species of the lakes in Holstein complete the presentation of the regional underwater world.
In front of the aquarium there is an open-air seal basin.