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Plön District Museum: Including a Collection of Glass from Northern Germany
Johannisstraße 1
24306  Plön

E-Mail: post@kreismuseum-ploen.de

Opening Hours

from November: Tue-Sun 2 pm - 5 pm
from May: Tue-Sun 12 - 5 pm

The museum, which opened in 1955, has been housed in the "Alte Apotheke" since 1982, in a building dating from 1639 with a classicist façade. The museum deals with the history and culture of the district of Plön. Collection areas include prehistory and early history, town archaeology, guild antiquities (pewter and silver tableware from the craft offices and the Plön Rifle Guild), glass used or produced in Schleswig-Holstein, the Officin of the Plön Court Pharmacy, documentation of the Royal Prussian Cadet Institute and the painting collection with pictures by Adam Hölbing, Christian Saß, Erich Richter, Karl Decker, Domenicus Gottfried Waerdigh and Friedrich Carl Gröger.

In addition, several special exhibitions are shown in the museum throughout the year.