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Museum of Local History and Culture in the Municipality of Hanerau-Hademarschen
Im Kloster 12-12a (Alte Schule)
25557  Hanerau-Hademarschen

E-Mail: museum-imkloster@t-online.de

Opening Hours

1st Sunday of a month 3-6 pm and by appointment

Since 1984 the museum is housed in a former school building from 1883. It shows collections of pre- and early history as well as items of local history. All objects originate from the area of the department of Hanerau-Hademarschen.
Additionally, there is an exhibition on Theodor Storm and other famous persons who lived and worked in Hanerau-Hademarschen. More exhibits come from houses and farms of the region as well as from an old class-room of the post-war era.
Pictures, maps and items from the luggage of refugees in the time of World War II are presented in the affiliated ‘Ostdeutsche Heimatstube’ (tiny East German local history museum).